Back Yard


The Back Yard plan will be for the entire back of the lot and includes both plantings as well as hardscaping. A new back patio or fire pit, a play area for the kids, and a kitchen garden for the cook. For someone who does a lot of entertaining, maybe a cozy outdoor space is needed, along with room for kids to run around. You might have a need for some screening from nosy neighbors, or you may want some beautiful blooms to draw the eye away from a less-than-lovely tool shed.

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The Back Yard plan will be for the entire back of the lot and includes both plantings as well as hardscaping. A new back patio or fire pit, a play area for the kids, and a kitchen garden for the cook. For someone who does a lot of entertaining, maybe a cozy outdoor space is needed, along with room for kids to run around. You might have a need for some screening from nosy neighbors, or you may want some beautiful blooms to draw the eye away from a less-than-lovely tool shed.

The Back Yard plan will be for the entire back of the lot and includes both plantings as well as hardscaping. A new back patio or fire pit, a play area for the kids, and a kitchen garden for the cook. For someone who does a lot of entertaining, maybe a cozy outdoor space is needed, along with room for kids to run around. You might have a need for some screening from nosy neighbors, or you may want some beautiful blooms to draw the eye away from a less-than-lovely tool shed.

Upon purchase of this plan package, you will receive a link to a questionnaire that will give us an idea of what you’re looking for, as well as instructions for marking your property survey so that we can design as accurately as possible. If you are looking for any hardscaping, the more accurate the measurements the easier it will be for you to give our final Concept Plan to a contractor for installation.

This plan package will include: 

    • One or two initial concepts based on your questionnaire and survey information.

    • One 30-minute phone call to review the concepts and discuss any changes

    • One final Conceptual Plan. (This plan will be as accurate as possible, based on the information you provide, and it will be enough for you to install the hardscape and plantings, but it will not be enough to get permits if necessary, you will need a contractor’s help for that.)

    • Complete list of plants and materials, including a planting schedule.

    • Photos of all plants and materials

    • Basic installation and care instructions

The timeframe for delivery of the final product at this time is four weeks from the day you submit your measurements, all photos, and the questionnaire. This timeframe is dependent on your ability to make decisions in a timely manner.